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Our partners

The presence of strategic partners is essential for the success of each project. Through agreements with different players in the digital scene we are able to offer a comprehensive approach to challenges from various sectors.

Among the companies and organizations that collaborate with Italy & Partners today are:

TSCAI – The Smart City Association Italy

TSCAI, acronym of The Smart City Association Italy, is an association founded in 2018 with the aim of promoting the digitization of cities through relations with institutions and citizens, spreading awareness of the benefits that can be brought through the use of technology.

Urban Futures

Urban Futures is a start-up generator supported by investors who believe in digital and in their ability to solve and anticipate the urban challenges present within cities, proving for this reason a fundamental partner for the growth of our reality.


Founded in 1998, Tiscali is one of the first Italian telecommunications companies and a leader in connectivity services. Through its activities, it supports development projects for smart cities, promoting digital innovation among both private entities and public administration.

Urban Innovators Global

Urban Innovator Global is a community of experts in urban innovation and smart cities, coordinated with the aim of offering a portfolio of strategic assistance, advisory, training and program management services through a personalized and localized approach to the needs of the specific city.

Fragma Security

Fragma Security is a company that has developed extensive expertise in the field of industrial cybersecurity, including assessment tests and simulations of hacker attacks. Italy&Partners and Fragma are developing a model for applying these skills to the local government sector. An important focus is also placed on training to raise awareness among municipal operators about cybersecurity regardless of their specific application area.


Invisiblefarm is a company specialized in the development and supply of IT solutions for public administration, in particular for land and health management. Together with them, Italy & Partners also actively collaborate for audit, cybersecurity and training projects.


Aitek S.p.A. specializes in developing innovative digital technologies for safety and efficiency in the transportation, video surveillance, and digital signage industries. Their applications include traffic management, port automation, railway safety, and retail solutions.


Founded as a benefit corporation, Merits is a blockchain-based platform designed to incentivize socially responsible actions. It involves citizens, businesses, public administrations, and non-profit organizations to create a positive social impact through the use of a dedicated APP.


The law firm e-Law is an organization founded in 2021 and based in Milan. The firm is composed of a team of professionals experienced in issues related to administrative and civil law, with a specific focus on public contracts.